MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD has been operating for over two decades and evolved over the years into what it is today as one of Ghana’s most sought-after pure gold and diamond Miners and dealers Companies with a staff-strength of over 100 workers located in the Eastern and Western regions (2 major gold extraction areas) in Ghana.
MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD Gold refines and purifies minerals at a greater value for money. Recently, in just these two regions, the cooperative increased its monthly production of pure gold from 200kilograms per month to almost 285kilograms due to the injection of new technologies in the mines. MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD also buys and sells genuine pure gold and other precious minerals from other Companies and neighboring countries in Africa to add to our list of great achievements.
MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD is committed to fulfilling its obligations and duties as a responsible corporate citizen, ensuring that its behavior reflects its values and concern for its stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, their families and the communities and environments in which we live and work.
MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD, sustainability is important because we believe that the wellbeing of society and the natural world is critical for businesses to thrive and create value. Our vision is to be the leading mining company, and we will only achieve this vision if we can prove our ability to operate sensitively to and with our host communities, demonstrating that we will partner with them to create enduring value.
Sustainability focus areas for the business include safety, health, community relationships, human rights and environmental and natural resource stewardship. We need to be mindful of these issues during the full lifecycle of our operations, to ensure orderly closure of our operations and that we leave communities
MARVELOUS ‘D’ COMPANY LTD has acquired yet other rich gold mining concession fields in the Eastern region of Ghana totaling 1,404 acres earmarked for large-scale mining. In view of this development, the Board of Directors and management unanimously agree to invite applications from prospective investors for a joint-venture business agreement.
Investors are kindly encouraged to join us in our ambitious quest of full-scale mining expansion. For inspection and subsequent joint venture agreement with our company in respect of our new mining field, please send us email at,, you can also call us on our office line: +233 303942028